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Below are the instruments we have in 5th grade band and a brief description.  


The flute is the highest pitched instrument in our band. It has a beautiful sound that can be light and happy.  It is played by blowing across the tone hole, much like blowing across a pop bottle to make a sound. Sound is changed by moving your fingers to press buttons.


This is the second highest woodwind instrument. It can play both high and low notes though. We want more clarinets in our bands than any other instrument. It is played by a single reed that vibrates when you blow air into the clarinet. Sound is changed by moving your fingers to cover holes.


The saxophone is a very popular instrument and comes in various sizes and ranges-the alto is the smallest. It uses a single reed that vibrates when you blow air into the saxophone. A lot of students pick the alto sax but keep in mind that a variety of instruments is important in our band!  Saxophone plays loud but has a warm sound.  Alto sax can play in jazz band in later grades.


The tenor sax is just a larger version of an alto saxophone. Because it is larger it sounds lower.  It helps to be a little taller to handle the tenor sax's size.  The tenor sax can play in jazz band in later grades.


The trumpet the highest of the brass instruments. It is played by buzzing your lips together into a mouthpiece.  Trumpet players use their lip muscles to control the sound high and low and also move their fingers to change the sound.  The trumpet has a louder brassy sound.  Trumpet can play in jazz band in later grades.


The horn is a brass instrument that is unique in that all the tubes are spiraled around and faces back instead of forward.  It is played by buzzing your lips together into a mouthpiece.  Horn players use their lip muscles to control the sound high and low and also move their fingers to change the sound. Horn can be tricky to start on because it requires being able to really hear sounds well.  It helps to have played an instrument like piano or having sang in choir but it is not required. It is a middle range instrument.


The trombone is a low brass instrument.  It is the only instrument in the band that uses a slide to change notes.  Trombones also use their lip muscles to control the sound high and low. If you like low and loud sounds it's a great choice. Low brass instruments are incredibly important to the band since they create a solid support for all the other instruments.  Trombone can play in jazz band in later grades

EUPHONIUM (Baritone)

The euphonium or baritone is the same instrument.  It is a low brass instrument that sounds a lot like the trombone but it has valves(buttons) instead of a slide.  Sound is created by buzzing your lips together into a mouthpiece.  Baritone players use their lip muscles to control the sound high and low and also move their fingers to change the sound. Low brass instruments are incredibly important to the band since they create a solid support for all the other instruments.


Tuba is the lowest instrument in the band and so it is incredibly important.  It is played by buzzing your lips together into a mouthpiece. Tuba players use their lip muscles to control the sound high and low and also move their fingers to change the sound.  Tuba is the largest instrument but don't think that being shorter or smaller means you can't play it.  We use a tuba stand to help hold the tuba so it rests on the floor instead of having to hold it. We have only one school tuba available for 5th graders so I can only take one.  We can have more tuba players after 5th grade so definitely consider the tuba!!


Percussion is one of the most misunderstood sections of the band.  Often referred to as the “drums”, this name is actually a very incomplete description of what is involved in playing percussion.  Percussionists learn to play a number of instruments, including mallet instruments like bells and xylophone, battery percussion like the snare and bass drums, and accessory percussion instruments like the tambourine and triangle. Sound is created by striking or shaking the instruments or their mallets/beaters.  Enrollment for percussion is limited since these are such very loud instruments. Students wishing to play percussion will given a rhythm test before students will be selected for this instrument.  PLEASE HAVE A BACK-UP INSTRUMENT IF YOU WANT TO PLAY PERCUSSION.

We also have other instruments we can start in 6th grade such as the bass clarinet(a larger version of the clarinet), the baritone sax(the largest member of the saxophone family in our band), bassoon, and oboe.  Bassoon and oboe are very important double reed instruments in our band but they cannot be started until you learn an instrument that can be played in marching band.

Watch the videos below to find which instruments sound the most interesting to you!

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